
Woman smilingEveryone knows that the change in seasons can bring about a few unwanted changes. The influx of dry air and allergens can wreak havoc on your hair, skin and even your eyes. Your eyes are especially sensitive to this season change, and it can be quite annoying if you’re one of the many dealing with seasonal dry eye syndrome.

How exactly does this happen, and how can it be managed? Dry eye syndrome occurs for many different reasons, but let’s discuss how weather affects your eyes and what you can expect this fall season!

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

First things first, dry eye syndrome is a common condition that causes dry, itchy and red eyes. Millions of people deal with dry eye syndrome in varying degrees and at different times. Chronic dry eye syndrome is usually caused by a lack of tear production or low-quality tear production. Many things can spark dry eye symptoms – weather and environment being one of them.

It is important to remember, however, that one can have ocular allergies without having dry eye syndrome. The symptoms are very similar and can even occur at the same time, but they are not the same conditions. Chronic dry eye syndrome and seasonal dry eye symptoms are very different.

How Does Fall Affect My Eyes? 

If you suffer from seasonal allergies often, chances are you already know what is causing your dry eye symptoms. For those who do not usually experience seasonal allergies, here is why the fall can be hard on your eyes.

The most notable marker of the fall season is the vibrant falling leaves. These beautiful leaves turn into rotting vegetation when they hit the ground. This can cause mold, which many people are sensitive to. Ragweed is also in full bloom during the fall, and its pollen can cause significant allergy symptoms in many people.

Allergies are one of the biggest causes of dry eye syndrome. Your eyes can become mildly to severely irritated during this time, and many people find it extremely annoying and frustrating. Luckily, since this is such a common phenomenon, there are many remedies available.

Treating Fall Dry Eyes

The most common treatment for dry eye syndrome caused by allergies is over-the-counter eye drops. These are available at every drug store, and there are many to choose from. If your symptoms include dry, itchy, watery, red and swollen eyes, you will want to find eye drops with antihistamines in them. Antihistamines help reduce the histamines in the eyes, and can temporarily relieve seasonal dry eye symptoms.
If your dry eye symptoms are irritating you past allergy season, you may be dealing with chronic dry eye syndrome. This is a more complicated issue, and you should be diagnosed by a professional. There are many options for treatment and management of dry eye syndrome.

If you would like more advice on how to curb seasonal dry eye symptoms, or if you believe you have dry eye syndrome, please contact Minnesota Eye Consultants! Our Minnesota dry eye syndrome experts are here to help you find the treatment option that is best and most effective for you, Call our Minneapolis office to schedule your appointment today!