Name: Kristine Lindgren
Job Title?Patient Care Coordinator
How long have you been with MEC?I started June of 2006, the Monday after I graduated high school! I’ve worked seasonally while obtaining my undergrad, and started full time in May of 2011, and soon after switched from call center to PCC.
What do you like most about working for MEC?The co-workers, hands down! I also enjoy working for a company that is ahead of the game in research and new medical developments. It’s a pleasure working with such smart doctors!
What is your favorite food?Meat & Potatoes. I’m a true Minnesotan!
What is your favorite word? OOFTA!!
What is your least favorite word? Discharge
What is your favorite sound? The ocean, more specifically, the ocean in Hawaii!
Your least favorite sound? Screaming children!
If you could try any other occupation, what would it be? Owning a pet sanctuary for puppies and kittens!
What job would you NEVER want to do? Cleaning porta-potties at WeFest.
What is something that most people would not know about you, but that you’d be willing to share? I went to modeling school for 2 years here in Bloomington… obviously not my current position now.
If you could have only one CD in your disc player, what would it be? Roger Waters – The Wall
You are in a mall when zombies attack. You have:
One weapon: Grenade Launcher – that way I don’t have to get up close and personal!
One song blasting on the speakers: Black Betty – Ram Jam
One famous person to fight alongside you: Channing Tatum!